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Winter Home Tips

Posted 2018-12-27

Now that winter is upon us and you have done the last of your lawn and landscape cleanup for the year, here are a few reminders for your home and auto as we move through the winter season.

Winter Home Tips:

  • Make sure all garden hoses are completely disconnected from water spouts
  • Check your doors and windows for leaky seals and repair as needed
  • Consider shutting heating vents off in areas of the home infrequently used to save on heating costs

Winter Automobile Tips:

  • Check your tire pressures carefully and adjust as needed for the colder weather
  • Check your fluids, especially your antifreeze and windshield wiper fluid
  • Store a blanket and extra coat/gloves in your auto in case of unexpected breakdowns.

And remember, if you do still have leaves in your lawn and/or landscape, please remove them as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage to your turf and plantings during the 2019 growing season.

We wish you and your family and warm and safe winter season!