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Fall Lawn Seeding Advice

Posted 2024-09-20

Fall Seeding Instructions

September and October are the best month to overseed our lawns. Here are the steps to overseed your entire lawn:

  • Thoroughly rake and remove any dead or matted grasses
  • Prepare any bare areas with fresh topsoil, compost, or a manure mix
  • For extra soil preparation, Lawn Cure can come out prior to your seeding and add our Premium Soil Enhancer to prepare the lawn perfectly for seeding. The cost will be the same as your regular lawn application. Just call/text us to add this on.
  • Using a spreader, overseed the lawn with a top-quality turf-type tall fescue grass seed. No Rye Grass, Bluegrass, Red Creeping Fescue, Ky 31. READ THE LABEL CAREFULLY! When in doubt, we offer premium seed for sale at $2.75/lb. Be sure your spreader is calibrated to broadcast approximately 6-8 lbs. of seed/1,000 sq ft. If you are unsure of the amount needed, let us know and we will help you.
  • Water your new seed each day until germination, then you can back off the watering once you see the baby grass coming up. After germination, continue to water it a few days a week.
  • Do NOT add straw - it is simply not necessary and it can cause winter wheat (an ugly weed) to come up next spring.

If your lawn has bare or dead spots and you just want to fill these areas in, follow these steps:

  • Thoroughly rake through your bare spots and/or matted grasses and turn over the dirt to loosen the soil in those select areas you are wanting to add grass seed - a garden weasel is a great tool for this job.
  • It is beneficial to then add some fresh top soil to these bare spots to help enrich the soil. This is not required, but it makes your spot seeding much more
    successful as your seed will germinate well in soil that is abundant in microbes.
  • Add some Turf-type Tall Fescue seed to your bare spots. Use your garden weasel or rake to work the seed down into the soil.
  • Water your new seed every day until germination, then you can back off the watering once you see the baby grass coming up. But still water it a few days a
  • Do NOT add straw - it is simply not necessary and it can cause winter wheat (an ugly weed) to come up in the spot next spring.

Please be sure to let your lawn company know if you plan to or have seeded so they can adjust your fall applications to best support your new seed!