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Get Ready for Spring!

Posted 2024-03-04

Spring is right around the corner, and for many homeowners, that means it's time to start thinking about their lawn. After a long winter, your lawn may be in need of some TLC to get it looking its best. In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about preparing your lawn for spring.

1. Clean Up

The first step in preparing your lawn for spring is to clean up any debris that has accumulated over the winter. This includes removing any leaves, branches, and other debris that may have fallen on your lawn. You should also rake up any dead grass or thatch that has built up, as this can prevent new grass from growing.

2. Fertilization, Pre-Emergent and Weed Controls - Lawn Cure's Early Spring Application

  • Fertilizing your lawn is another important step in preparing it for spring. Fertilizer provides essential nutrients that your grass needs to grow and thrive as we move through the growing season. A properly balanced fertilization is necessary as the lawn comes out of winter’s dormancy. This will help the turf recover from winter conditions and help contribute towards a beautiful, healthy green lawn this year.
    • Pre-emergent, which is designed to control the majority of annual crabgrass and some weed varieties, must be applied prior to crabgrass germination for premium effectiveness. The window of opportunity to get our pre-emergent down is generally from now through late April/early May.

    • As soon as warmer temperatures return, spring weeds will begin to ‘pop’. Appropriate broadleaf weed controls need to be applied to keep chickweed, henbit and dandelion populations ‘in check’ as they make their seasonal appearance.

    3. Spot-Seeding

    If your lawn has bare patches or thin areas, you may want to consider some spot seeding after your first application has been done. Seeding can help to fill in these areas and promote a thicker, healthier lawn.

    4. Mowing

    Finally, mowing season is upon us. You should mow your lawn regularly to keep it looking its best Choose to mow when the grass is dry, leaving behind a 3-4 inch blade. Be sure to keep your mower blades sharp, as a dull blade can tear the grass and leave it vulnerable to disease.

    In conclusion, preparing your lawn for spring is an important step in maintaining a healthy, beautiful lawn. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your lawn is ready to