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End of the Year Winterizing Fertilization

Posted 2023-11-15

Why Winterize Your Lawn?

Winterizing your lawn is the process of spreading a combination of a high-quality fertilizer and bio-solid nutrients over the turf anytime between mid-November-early January. According to Purdue University and the University of Kentucky, the winterizing fertilization is your lawns most important feeding of the year for several reasons:

Granular, winter fertilization along with bio-solid nutrients…

  • promotes deeper root growth during the lawn’s winter dormancy
  • encourages an earlier green-up of your lawn next spring
  • results in a healthier, more vigorous stand of turf next year

Helping our clients’ lawns reach their full potential and preparing those lawns for the 2024 season is our greatest concern. If you are already a regular 6-application lawn client with Lawn Cure, rest assured this important fertilization is already a part of your program as the Round 6 application. Not scheduled for Round 6 now? It’s not too late! Simply contact our office to add this valuable service to your regular schedule.