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What Are These Brown Spots in My Lawn?!

Posted 2019-07-09

As we move through the hottest months of the year, brown spots are showing up in our lawns in great numbers and size variations.   These troublesome spots are caused by many different things, including but not limited to: 

  • Lack of rainfall/watering
  • Rocky soil
  • Dog urine burns/spots
  • Hot mowing equipment, i.e. damage caused from mower tires, exhaust, or engine issues
  • Garbage cans and/or recycle bins left out to bake all day
  • Fungus Problems, continuing to be a problem even as rainfall amounts diminish 

Most brown spots will usually recover on their own once the dog days of summer have gone. In some cases, especially in newer turf, the damage can be more severe and may require a certain amount of fall renovation.  Any brown spots still hanging around come mid-late August will need some repair work done in the form of raking and overseeding.  Please do not hesitate to contact us for some helpful guidelines on revitalizing these brown spots this fall!