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Time to Winterize Your Lawn!!

Posted 2017-12-01

We all do it. Water hoses have been disconnected from their spigots. Crawl space vents are closed off. Pools have been closed down for some time. Shorts and flip flops have given way to sweaters and boots.

Your lawn and landscape also benefit from a good winterizing, helping them to better endure the winter months and recover next spring in splendid fashion. The following is a short-list of suggested steps for winterizing your lawn and landscape as the growing season draws to an end:

  • If your lawn needs cutting…mow it! Leaving it uncut over the winter can contribute to some turf health issues, in addition to matting and a messier first cutting next spring.
  • Be sure to remove leaf litter, not only from the lawn but also from around your shrubs. Excessive leaf litter can harbor insects and cause other problems. Accumulating leaves (like oaks) should also be removed as they re-accumulate during the winter months.
  • Of great importance is a good, balanced fertilizing. This feeding will nourish the root system of your lawn and landscape, which remains active during the 'dormant' season. A healthier root system results in a stronger, more vibrant plant next spring.

Do your part to winterize properly. The time and product invested now will produce the desired results.