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Time to Plan Your Fall Seeding!

Posted 2020-08-31

We are quickly approaching the early fall season which means it’s prime time for lawn seeding. We LOVE to hear that our clients are planning fall seeding!! Seeding is the most successful when done in the early fall and is just what your lawn needs to help fill in any bare areas that may be present in your lawn.

We will be seeding many of our clients’ lawns this fall with our two popular seeding service:  traditional aeration and overseeding and our organic aeration and overseeding services. If we are seeding for you, know that we have already made the adjustments necessary to your remaining lawn applications to best enhance your new seed.

For those clients of ours who choose to do their own fall seeding, we are so happy you have made this wonderful decision for your lawn. You MUST, however, tell us about it!! Once we know you will be seeding, we will make the necessary adjustments to your program to accommodate your new seed. Please let us know your plans by either calling our office or logging into your account from this website and sending us a message.

Don’t wait! Make your fall seeding plans now! Your lawn will thank you with a thick, lush stand of turf next spring!!