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Lawn Cure's Summer Lawn Tips!

Posted 2023-07-07

What to expect in the hot summer months

The summer period (June, July, and August) is when our lawns take a beating due to summer heat, lack of rain/water, weeds, which favor the hot summer sun, and the impact of the hot soil temperatures.

What to expect:

Lawns will tend to stress and turn brown as the roots pull nutrients from the blades of grass to live

  • The soil heats up, causing damage to the root systems and weakening the grass blade
  • Lack of rain or water can cause the turf to dull and turn brown
  • Fungus will spread rapidly as summer provides moisture and heat, the perfect growing conditions for fungus to show up on the leaf blades, leading to damaged turf and browning of the lawn
  • Weaker grasses such as Rye grass and Bluegrass cannot tolerate the heat and brown out quickly
  • New sod or grass from this spring or even last fall will usually suffer and turn brown if not watered properly or mowed at the correct height.
  • Dull lawn mower blades will cause the grass tips to turn brown

How can you help your lawn during the roughest time of the year?:

  • Watering: Water 4 to 5 times per week in the morning hours for about 20 to 30 minutes. This will help feed the roots and grass. Never water at night as this can contribute to fungus activity.
  • Mowing: Mow at the highest level possible. The longer the grass blade the more nutrients and support the root system has to live. Do not mow less than 3”
  • Landscape: We typically receive enough rainfall for mature plants and shrubs to remain healthy. New plants (less than year) may be watered for 5 to 10 minutes every 7 to 8 days during dry times. If we have had no rain for 2 plus weeks, it is OK to water all the shrubs for about 10 minutes. Better to water in the morning vs. at night as this can contribute to fungus.
  • Landscape Trimming: Better to trim the landscape during the fall or cooler times. Plants and shrubs can stress during extreme summer heat periods, and trimming now may not be the best timing.
  • Fungicide: Its always very beneficial to get a fungicide application during June and July. This will help protect the turf from unwanted disease and fungus. Call the office for details

Questions? Call 812-246-8800 or email  

Have a wonderful summer season!