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Lawn Cure's Statement on COVID-19

Posted 2020-03-26

During this period of great uncertainty as regards the pandemic of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), our staff at Lawn Cure are proud to continue serving residences and businesses with ongoing lawn care, helping to maintain the safety, sanitation and operation of the properties we care for on a scheduled and ongoing basis.

As responsible Green Industry members of our community, we are committed to “best practices” as we deliver the scheduled services to your homes and businesses. Lawn Cure has in place complete sanitizing and cleaning regimes for the protection of both our staff and clients. Our lawn technicians are in a unique situation in that they work alone every day. They maintain social distancing, working outdoors, not entering our customer’s homes or businesses. We provide ongoing education for our team members as we work together through this unprecedented event.

Our wish is for all of you to be safe and remain well!

Kindest regards,

The Lawn Cure Team