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Lawn Care Tip: Bee Awareness

Posted 2013-08-26

As a population, we are not very fond of bees. They sting and buzz by our ears and chase us when we have something sweet or fragrant in our possession. Many people are even severely allergic to bees, which if the allergy is severe enough, can be potentially fatal. So with that stated, it is probably a pretty good idea to keep an eye out for these flying insects. If populations are large enough or if their hives are close to your home, you definitely want to seek professional intervention. However, in the meantime, here is some information from your Lawn Care Louisville KY care experts to help you stay on top of your potential bee problem.

If you happen to see bees in your yard, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a bee problem. Bees are known to travel vast distances and there is a good chance the bee doesn’t belong to a nearby hive. It’s when you notice bees near or even inside your home that you need to really worry. Oftentimes, bees will create a hive under aluminum siding and will find easy access to the interior of your home through holes or eaves.

You may be tempted to remove the nest yourself or maybe even scare them away by spraying them with a hose; as Lawn Care Louisville KY care experts who regularly come into contact with bees, we strongly urge you to rethink those actions. Bees that feel threatened may attack you and string you all over your body. What you should do is call your bee removal expert who can not only remove the threat, but identify weak spots in and around your home. From there you can caulk any cracks, move garbage cans farther away from your home and make sure all your doors and windows are sufficiently sealed.