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Choosing Your Lawn Care Provider

Posted 2019-02-22

The onset of our spring season comes the time when most people search for and begin a lawn care service. Who to choose? It can be a tough decision, but here are some factors to consider when choosing your lawn care provider:

  1. 1. Credibility – Lawn Care providers are legally required to carry the proper business license, certification and insurance. Professionalism on all levels should be expected.
  2. 2. Service – How easy is it to reach your provider? Is it a local call? An email quickly replied to? If additional service is needed, is timely follow-up a company standard?
  3. 3. Instructions followed – If you are a property owner requiring notification prior to a planned visit, will your request be followed?
  4. 4. References – Friends and neighbors of the company you are considering should be satisfied with their service and with their results.
  5. 5. Active in lawn/landscape associations – a reputable company will be active in their industry’s local, state and national associations
  6. 6. Qualified reviews – visit such sites as the BBB and Google to read the comments about the provider you are considering. Other customer’s reviews can be helpful in the decision making process.
  7. 7. Personalized service – Be sure your program can be adjusted to accommodate your personalized needs.
  8. 8. Know exactly what you are getting – Is the number of services being applied in the year clear? Pricing understood? If an introductory price is offered, is there fine print on successive applications?

The basics of lawn care are clear and precise – the lawn care provider you choose should be the same.